Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Thursday Edition I

              >shirt:Nordstrom Rack > Maxi: F21 > belt: Cotton On            >shirt: RVCA  > jeans: AE 

First, let me introduce you to my beautiful roommate, Squirrel.
Okay, her real name is Elizabeth but I rarely ever call her that.
Squirrel is just way. more. fun.
Living in a house with four beautiful girls, we have ALOT of clothes and so our four separate closets have joined forces to create one shared <huge> closet, a girl's dream come true.

However in college, it is SO easy to roll out of bed in your favorite pair of leggings, zippy, and a messy top easy. So in leu of our "just rolled out of bed style", Squirrel and I have decided that we will make Thursday our day that we will not snooze 6 times, and actually get up, plan an outfit and do our hair. 

> Soooo today, we embarked on our first "Thursday Edition" and we were only a little late to class after taking these pictures...

PS. its 77 degrees today. I love you California.



Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A S T R O N O M Y is pretty cool bro!

For my astronomy class <which I absolutely LOVE by the way> we had to create a devotional connecting astronomy to Christianity. With a week before mine was due, I was researching what I wanted to write mine on and seeking out what I found to be the most interesting connection between this science and faith. As I was in Kaleo, <wednesday night chapel> this song by Charlie Hall came on and I immediately knew God was whispering to me...Here you go! Write about how GREAT I am...

>> Enjoy the video, my devotional is posted below. 

While listening closely to the verses of "Center" the other day, 
I found new meaning and revelation to the essence of the song, especially in 
relationship to astronomy. The song starts out:

      “You're the center of the universe,
Everything was made in You Jesus,
Breath of every living thing,
Everyone was made for You.”

It is amazing to me that the God that so delicately breathed life into my lungs also created the vast Universe. Charlie Hall's“Center" continues on to sing,

“You hold everything together,
    You hold everything together.”

Immediately after hearing these lyrics, the Anthropic Principle came to me and reminded me that God has control over every single element that keeps us alive and keeps the world in motion. I don't think we thank God enough for being in control of our world, in control of 

The rest of the song focuses on our response to God the Creator.

       “Christ be the center of our lives,
 Be the place we fix our eyes,
 Be the center of our lives,
 We lift our eyes to heaven,
 We wrap our lives around your life,
 We lift our eyes to heaven, to You.”

It seems silly and pretty pathetic to me, that I fail each day to place God at center of my life. For it is the same God that not only created the heavens, but also has the power to control each minor detail that allows our Solar System to continue to exist.

Colossians 1:16(msg) says, "For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank of angels ­— everything got started in him and find its purpose in him. He was there before any of it came into existence and holds it all together right up to this moment.”

>>Why is it so easy for us to place everything but God at the center of our lives?

>>Why do we let these momentary materials to replace the God that created the Universe?

I believe that it is a commitment. A commitment to belong to the God that created us, and just as equally created the powerful Sun that heats our skin and the bright moon that guides our steps at night. 

>>So what will it take to neglect our worldly wants and needs, and lean on the God that created you and me?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Twenty - Thirteen Manifesto

Even though we are almost an entire month into T w e n t y T h i r t e e n, I have just now stumbled upon my manifesto for this year. Up until this point I have been thinking, pondering, and dreaming about what this new year will look like – everything from what I have planned already, to what could happen, where I will go, what I will on and so forth. It wasn't until I was laying up in my bed (yes, UP. rockin' the bunk bed this year) that it just dawned upon guessed it! 

>>> D I S C O V E R

[dih-skuhv-er] : 
>> to see, get knowledge of, learn of, find, or find out; gain sight or knowledge of something previously unseen or unknown
>>  to notice or realize
>> to make known; reveal; disclose.

This year I want to discover > learn > find > realize > reveal

I want to d i s c o v e r life in a new light.

D i s c o v e r new eyes to see the beauty that this world covers up.

D i s c o v e r where God already is in my life, that I have previously ignored.

D i s c o v e r what it means for me to be active in community this year.

D i s c o v e r EUROPE!

D i s c o v e r true friendship.

D i s c o v e r what it means to keep up on my blog...haha we shall see.

D i s c o v e r what God has in store for Teig and I.

D i s c o v e r how I can serve right here in America.

D i s c o v e r what opportunities to chase after.

D i s c o v e r what it's like to be a SENIOR in college. whoa.

D i s c o v e r new ways to stay connected with my family, even when we're thousands of miles apart.

D i s c o v e r how to SAVE more and SPEND less. 

D i s c o v e r a way to upkeep in my health and fitness.

D i s c o v e r day-by-day what it means to be ME, in the here and now.

D i s c o v e r my darling adventure of Twenty-Thirteen.

what's your manifesto for 2013?



Saturday, January 26, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Breakfast Lunch and Dinner

Breakfast is BY FAR my most favorite meal. 
Breakfast Lunch Dinner Brunch Linner..You name it. Its a good time for Breakfast!

Today after my morning class, I came home and had an itch to cook! 
Obviously the next thing that popped into my head was Cook >> Breakfast!

Last night while scrolling through Pinterest boards and doing absolutely everything besides homework I came across this recipe for 3...that is correct THREE ingredient pancakes!! 
Praise Him!

So today I scrounged up a 
>> Banana
>> Frozen Blueberries

and proceeded to make these amazing AND healthy pancakes (who knew THAT could exist)

>> I experimented by adding peanut butter to my second pancake! 
     Outcome: Peanut butter definitely took over on taste but made the pancake a lot thicker! 
     Overall: thumbs up!

>> Add in a dirty iced chai <preferably in a hipster mason jar> and you've got a feast!

AND THE BEST PART? 65 calories in 2 pancakes! what. a. deal.

>> Go try them out <any time of the day> and make sure to let me know what you think!

>>Happy Tuesday!


Monday, January 21, 2013

sitting in the middle of the teeter-totter


"for a reason, a season, or a lifetime."

>> after being home for Christmas break, I came across a harsh realization that I had neglected too many of my friendships from home.
It's nothing too serious, do not worry, but I feel as if I lost sight of the importance of these friendships and forgot how much these girls mean to me.
It is all too easy for me to get caught up in my life at APU that is full of busyness.
The busy of classes > work > relationships > responsibility > the list goes on...
I think the bigger problem here is that I feel as if I live in two different worlds sometimes

>more on this later<

 My life in Washington vs. My life in California: a constant battle.
 Balancing these two lives is difficult and I find myself all too often sitting right there in the middle of that teeter-totter trying to figure out how to live in both worlds at the same time.
I have now come to realize that it is not just the friendships in college that will last forever <as people often say> but the friendships that mean the most, no matter where they are, will last a lifetime.

>>so here is my apology:
to the friends that I miss.
to the friends that I promise to spend quality time with over the summer...
<oh, summer please do hurry on up>
and to the friendships that I know will last forever...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Im Not Dead...

...I promise. I am alive.
You see, when you're thick in the midst of things at school you think to yourself, "oh I'll have all the time in the world to blog during Christmas break." 
Errrrrr. Wrong.
Here I am, less than 5 days left of blissful beautiful break and this little piece of the internet is silent.
I am sorry poor little blog. 
My break has been filled with family time, work...lots of work, coffee catch up sessions with friends, aunti kk and aubrey time, more work, couch lounging, sleep, and soaking up the time I have left of no agenda. {and why again have I not blogged...?}

Here is the Davis Family Christmas Card: edition 2012

Up on deck is "Twenty Twelve in review"... we will see when that actually happens.

Happy New Years All!