Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday Theory.

So I have this theory,
Some of you might agree,

That any day that starts with Friday is a good day.
(I think Rebecca Black would support me in this)

Here is some solid evidence to back that theory up:

1. I woke up for the first time in a week without backpain...Thank you Jesus.

2. It is hotter than Haiti in Azusa but APU is paying for me to blast my AC all day long.

3. I finally got my parking ticket appealed. Hallelujiah I saved $30.

4. My only class today, which is my favorite class, which is usually a 2 hour class, lasted about a half hour today. #graphicdesign


Drum roll please....

5 . I am going to see Rascal Flatts tonight in concert with some amazing girls.

That is why Friday is the bombdiggity.
Have a GREAT weekend!


Thirteen individuals..
Four boys.
Nine girls
(just about right for the APU ratio)

One family.

A year ago we were all strangers, unaware of the role we would all play in each others lives this year. 
Unaware of the experiences we would go through together.
Unaware of the bonds that would form
Unaware of the challenges we would have to face.
Unaware of the family that we would become.

I am thankful for each and every one of these people. Within the time we have spent together in the last month they have each challenged me, supported me, and loved me in a way that I have never really experienced before.  

I am in awe of how God placed us all together with of our differences, personalities, and strengths and has allowed us to be so honest and vulnerable with one another in this journey. 
And to think that this is only the beginning...

I guess thirteen must be my lucky number.