Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Rediscovering Me.

Within the last four months, I have learned more about myself  than
 I have in the last nineteen years of my life.Upon recognizing this, I
realized that for the majority of my life I have deceived myself to
 be the Kaleen that I wanted to be, not the Kaleen that I am deep down inside.
 I think that for the longest time, I have designed up in my head who I want to be
and how I want to be portrayed Simultaneously, I became that girl and my character
 just fell into sync.This new season of life as a college student,
alpha leader, friend, girlfriend, etc.
 has required me to step out of that routine of being
who I want to be and distinguishing who I was created to be and living that out.
It is not to say that I have been a fake my
 whole life, but that I am just now discovering the person that
God created me to be: an extroverted introvert, a leader, a learner,
a woman who acknowledges her weaknesses, an authentic friend...the list goes on.
This development of discovering my true self has been a journey
 and will probably continue to be one for the rest of my time on earth.
The timing of this self phenomenon could not have been more perfect, thanks to God!
 I am  surrounded by an authentic community of people who love me for me
and will stand by me in this journey to rediscover myself,
The Real Kaleen.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fall Favorites!!!

Cardigan :: Madewell
Everything else fall: (good ole')Pinterest

Fall is BY FAR my favorite season of ALL favorite seasons.
 ( if you really admit it, each season has something great about themselves though...)

Fall: The crisp air as you take your first step out the door, the crunch of leaves beneath your brown boots, a warm fuzzy scarf and a hot apple cider in your hands...
There is truly nothing better.

Oh wait, I live in Southern California now where there is NO fall...
It really is the worst thing about living down here.
No bright green,yellow, brown, orange, OR red leaves, 
no crisp air, 
no cold mornings(unless you call 70 degrees cold)
No need for scarfs...i sweat it out anyways.
The list could go on and on and on...

So here is my tribute to fall and all the beauty it brings...

Enjoy it everyone.

Ms. Envy.