Sunday, July 29, 2012

Where the Butterflies Began.

It was around the end of July, 5 years ago that Teigen and I really first met and got to know each other down in Mexico on a missions trip. Some day I will take the time to blog our entire love story from beginning to...end? but as I was driving home tonight I began thinking about who we both were 5 years ago, who we are now, and even trying to remember what emotions I was feeling 5 years ago... 
This picture was the first picture we ever took together and isn't it a beaut. I have a solid excuse of being only 14 years old and on a mission trip, but it makes me smile at how young we both look. I can still vividly remember that older nice red head guy leaning in and asking if I wanted to take a picture with him (what a pick up line I tell ya.)
I had no idea that that picture would be the first of hundreds we would take together and that guy would soon steal my heart. Serving on that Mexico Mission trip not only gave me a heart of compassion for those in need, but God gave me a heart to love and serve this red head boy for the rest of my life.
 Soon after this picture was taken, a series of myspace messages would begin to surface, yes I said MySpace, and questions like "maybe we could get a group together to hang out sometime?" or "maybe I'll call you once I'm back home?" happened. Even though we had to face some challenges with age, school, and others opinions, we both knew that we couldn't deny the butterflies in our stomachs and thank God...

5 years ago I met my best friend and have continued to fall in love with him each day since.
Thanks for asking to take that picture with me T, even with braces and all. :).

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Like a diamond in the sky.

                                                                 google images

Last night I had one of those moments..You know, those moments in life when all you can do is stop and smile. I have this theory that heaven is going to be composed of all those moments put together.

You see my cousins and I have this long standing tradition of sleeping out on the trampoline in my back yard together. I don't know if its us getting older, or what but it seemed just too darn cold to sleep out there last night. For the sake of not breaking our tradition however, we all went out there with enough blankets to survive the Washington tundra breeze and laid out and watched the stars for a solid 20 minutes.

It seems that as each summer passes I always forget the "awe" moment  I experience while stargazing, and I really wish I would do it more often... So as we lay there in silence, a comforting yet thrilling peace came over me as I lay in amazement over the starry sky...Thousands, millions and probably even billions of starts slowly came into view. I wished on 3 different shooting stars, scoped out the big dipper,  spotted the milky way, and possibly found a planet, all while soaking in the greatness of this tradition I have with my cousins...

(SIDENOTE: if you have never laid out in the country, where there are no city lights in sight for miles, and witnessed a clear crisp starry night. Id recommend it with a 5 star rating!)

As I was saying, in that moment I was once again reminded of  

1. How Great the God is that I serve, that He can design such a masterpiece             &  

2. How little I am and how unimportant my needs are in the grand scheme of things.Those little itty bitty stars sure do know how to put you in your place...Thanks God and thanks beautiful sparkly stars for reminding me who my Father is and who I am and what I strive to live for. 


Sunday, July 8, 2012

The New Kid On The Block

That's who I was this past year. The new kid on the block. Having been born and raised in a small town in Washington State, I was more than ready to move down to Southern California to start the next chapter of my life called COLLEGE. I mean really..who can turn down the opportunity to live in sunshine all year long, at a school that is incomparable to what the rest of the country has to offer (sorry I am a little biased.)

 However, this did make me the new kid on the block. But I was ready and now looking back on my first year in California, I think I may have just had the time of my life.Now here comes the sap (as in sappiness not what comes off a tree)... I know full well that God had this ornate plan for my life and all of that fell  together this past year was designed in His head years and years ago...but I can not help but look back (at the 1,000's of pictures LITERALLY ) and smile at the people He gave me, the places He took me to, and moments He created for me to experience.

 Its definitely a year for the books and here are a few of my favorite pictures that sum up the greatness of my first year of college.   

God First, in all that we do.

I still can't decide whats best about this view, the fact that there is a palm tree right smack dab outside or the sight of the baseball team...I mean field. 

Turning our "jail cell" of a dorm room into a place we called Home.

This beautiful woman who devoted 100% of herself to me as an RA and became my roommate next year!'re a rare treasure!

                    A spur of the moment Ke$ha Concert that I am sure I will tell my kids about someday..
.   "Do you like my beard?"

    Pinterest really doesn't get enough credit! Thanks for saving countless weekends and                           helping procrastinate on homework, P you're the best at keeping me distracted!

Our shark adventure kayaking in La Jolla.

Engstrom 2nd East. Enough said.

Again, Pinterest. 

     My roommate Molly, who made the year unforgettable with her spontaneous and beautiful personality and her billions upon billions of ideas on anything to do besides homework. Thanks for everything Molls.

Azusa sunsets and hikes to the "A", 

Hilarious skype sessions with family that I missed more than I could ever imagine. Thank goodness that time literally flies in college.

One Word: Hall Dinners
Hall Dinner Champ: Hannah Geraci

Embracing the California Girl that my mom instilled in my Years ago...I think it fits me well :)

The Alpha Group that met as complete strangers and will now always be a family.

                    Endless hours of studying, bottomless cups of coffee and nights that I thought I'd never get it all done...I sure did prove your wrong.

Beautiful (smoggy) Sunsets...
Its better than rain any day!

Sister visits, I was never so happy to share my little twin dorm room bed in my life. 

Living in a different state with him and having countless adventures right at our fingertips...

Exploring the Graphic Designer inside of me and learning how far I have to go to ever become that.
but I was darn proud of that skateboard!

Parent trap style ear piercing at its finest.

If only this was as hard core as it looks...ha.

That first momma hug as she walked out of that airport. Yes, there were tears.

This girl who landed me a job at a place where our boss cares more about us as people than the work we are doing for her. Shout out to Sherry.

Pros and Cons of having a class with your boyfriend:
Pro: He is a stud at philosophy 
Con: 3 hour class listening about a man named Socrates 
Pro: Attractive young male teacher (yes, T is well aware of my crush)
Con: Having your boyfriend catch on to the fact that there is no philosophical bone in my body
 Pro: Studying with that cute boy in the picture above and getting an A in the class

Meeting the best friend I had longed for in college. 
God only had me wait 7 months before I met her!
Maddie Harbolt, I'm not quite sure what I'd do withoutcha!

Finding the beauty in the everything.

Meeting the people that will surely change my life next year...that will be a whole other blog.

Watching him walk across the stage to receive his diploma that he has worked so hard for...even if they did mispronounce his name. "Tagan" Goodeill I love you ;)

It was a great year, and in about a month or so I'll be doing it all over again.
...I'm quite alright with that.
