Thursday, August 30, 2012

Long Time, No See!

But literally, I feel like a horrible person when it comes to my blog...There's a layer of dust because that's how long its been since I've had the time to even think about writing a post. And even now as I sit here in the dark in my new apartment, I really have no time to spend on here, but college life is about procrastinating..especially when it is sleep. 

In all honesty, I could write about 10 more blog posts about what has happened in my life the last 3 weeks, and I may get to all those events at some point in time. Knowing that life is only going to speed up for the next nine months however, I'll stick with sharing just a synopsis of my late adventures.

After my mom, sister and I arrived in So Cal, we did our absolute best at just relaxing for a few days on a family vacation that took us to Knotts Berry Farm, Newport Beach, and the side of the hotel pool.

Having only been in California for 4 days, I started training for my leadership position at APU this year in the ALPHA program that helps freshman transfer into college successfully.(a short glimpse at my job)

Once my family helped me settle into my new apartment on campus, it was time to say those awful goodbyes again...although I know what to expect this year after living on my own all of last year, those last goodbye hugs are never easy. My hope is that they never will be.

The next day I embarked on an adventure called BRIDGES which definitely deserves its own post but to sum it up: I spent a week living in the Tenderloin of San Francisco serving God's people, the homeless, who are individuals just like you and me. In one week I learned more about myself than I had the last 19 years of my life and challenged myself to live intentionally in everything that I do. 

I have now been back at school for a week and  have finally hung up most of my clothes in the tiny closest my roommate and I share and have continued training in preparation for the great arrival of APU's (huge) freshman class! Whoooop Whooooop!

I am tired, overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and getting sick but I have a joy that's radiating inside of me that is allowing me to persevere through this crazy time of life. I can not wait to see what even the next week of my life will look much I will learn from my freshmen and all that we will go through together.

So...ya got all that? Yea, I'm lost too but thats okay. Someday it will be fun to look back on this craziness and my darling adventure. 

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