Monday, February 4, 2013

Francis and Faith.

Francis Chan spoke in chapel today. This is the fourth or fifth time I have heard him speak and the "celebrity-gawking" face is well past over, however I reeeeeally admire the guy. Every time I walk away from hearing him, I am always impacted in such a way that makes me want to live life differently.
What I admire most about Francis <besides his impeccable ability to get the entire audience to laugh> is how he never takes credit for his words. God is always evident in his passionate speaking, in his ministry, and his time here on Earth. Today he spoke on Faith and the vast difference between our faithlessness as humans and God's unending faithfulness.


I don't think I have given the topic of faithfulness enough thought. Looking back on my nineteen years,  there is no evidence of God's unfaithfulness. When I haven't been able to see Him visibly in my life, I've felt His calming presence, and when that warm fuzzy feeling rubbed off, He remained consistent, whether or not I was present in the relationship or not.
As I transition into a different season of life and face obstacles that don't seem fair, relationships that don't make sense, and no strong sense of direction, I can fully rely on the fact that
>He has always been there.
>He is here right now.
>He will always be there.

>He is faithful.

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