Thursday, July 26, 2012

Like a diamond in the sky.

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Last night I had one of those moments..You know, those moments in life when all you can do is stop and smile. I have this theory that heaven is going to be composed of all those moments put together.

You see my cousins and I have this long standing tradition of sleeping out on the trampoline in my back yard together. I don't know if its us getting older, or what but it seemed just too darn cold to sleep out there last night. For the sake of not breaking our tradition however, we all went out there with enough blankets to survive the Washington tundra breeze and laid out and watched the stars for a solid 20 minutes.

It seems that as each summer passes I always forget the "awe" moment  I experience while stargazing, and I really wish I would do it more often... So as we lay there in silence, a comforting yet thrilling peace came over me as I lay in amazement over the starry sky...Thousands, millions and probably even billions of starts slowly came into view. I wished on 3 different shooting stars, scoped out the big dipper,  spotted the milky way, and possibly found a planet, all while soaking in the greatness of this tradition I have with my cousins...

(SIDENOTE: if you have never laid out in the country, where there are no city lights in sight for miles, and witnessed a clear crisp starry night. Id recommend it with a 5 star rating!)

As I was saying, in that moment I was once again reminded of  

1. How Great the God is that I serve, that He can design such a masterpiece             &  

2. How little I am and how unimportant my needs are in the grand scheme of things.Those little itty bitty stars sure do know how to put you in your place...Thanks God and thanks beautiful sparkly stars for reminding me who my Father is and who I am and what I strive to live for. 


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