Thursday, March 22, 2012

First impression.


These are all adjectives that pop into my head when I think of first impressions.
I am new to this world of bling and being the "newby" I am hoping that I make a strong first impression on all of you sophisticated and experienced bloggers out there. 
Give me time, I'm just learning the ropes.

Why start a blog at 1:23 am on March 22nd, 2012 you may ask?
I was simply inspired by other bloggers (such as The Daybook) and sporadically decided to challenge myself to this new adventure called blogging.
Through "MyDarlingAdventure" I am hoping to simply share my passions.
These passions expand across a broad spectrum of my life and include:

My faith
My daily stresses of being a college student,
The love of my life, Teigen Goodeill 
My inspirations for graphic design
My passion for fashion
One word: food 
My hopes and dreams

Trust me, the list goes on...

They say that first impression have a huge impact on the way people view you as an individual.
I am hoping that this little first post is a perfect first impression of who I am and what I want this blog to become. A place to express the beauty of my imperfect yet absolutely crazy amazing life.



  1. welcome to the blogging world! you are too cute- I can't wait to read more. first impressions are big- and you've left a really good first impression on me. ;) xo

  2. yes, welcome to the blogging world! I have been blogging for 3 years and it seriously is the greatest thing I have ever done. I love have all my memories and photos in one page to be able to look back on one day.

  3. You are a graphical designer. And you have not done anything with your blog, I believe. That gives a bad first impression. :-)


    First impressions that you make
    should away the viewer take
    to the feeling he is one
    worth to rate your being done.

    So; should first impressions be perfect? :-)

    Check the first impression of my profile and blog! :-)
